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Activity Planning
For solution articles on planning a variety of events, including your SU and legal obligations
For solution articles on all election, selection and democracy related queries
Student Group Finance
For solution articles on finance related resources for Student Groups, including Finance Forms, Expense 365, Grant Allocations and Sponsorship.
For solution articles on how to start a student group or Association and helpful articles relating to governing documents such as; Constitution, Code of Conduct, AGMs, Student Group Agreement, Exec roles and more.
Health and Safety
For solution articles on assessing, managing and dealing with risk, hazards and incidents.
For resources and help on how to meet GDPR guidelines.
Academic Appeals
What To Include in a Chair’s Report at an AGM
What To Include in the Secretary’s Report at an AGM
What To Include in the Treasurer's Report at an AGM
How Do I Book A Room In The SU Or Elsewhere On Campus?